It does come across as slightly creepy. I hope that is because of the way it was reported, rather than us being so jaded by modern society that we have to look at a celebration of the father/daughter bond as something slightly suspect or mildly "off". I see nothing wrong with most of the "celibate 'til marriage" movements in themselves. I do think that any father that thinks he can prevent his daughter from premarital sex is naive at best, and quite possibly horribly foolish. I would certainly hope that fathers of these girls don't just isolate them from the young men that "only want one thing" (which is not entirely true of the horniest teenage boy), but also give them honest information about safe sex practices. I would have been very interested to see what these dads are telling their sons, in contrast to what they tell the girls. (It had better be a message of respecting and honoring women, and their roles in society!) I do think the movements that are based on the kids pledging to themselves, are more realistic than the ones pledging to their church or parents.
So, tell me, what do you guys think? I don't think it simply boils down to "Christians versus secular society", the way the video clip tried to subtly hint. Or a "home school vs. community" type of issue, either. As a father of young men, myself, I have wondered often if my parenting style in these matters would have been different had I raised daughters instead. I like to think not, that even if I had a daughter, I would have told her the same facts of life I told the boys. (Which I won't repeat at length here, suffice to say I was much more open and instructive than my Dad, whose complete birds & bees talk amounted to:
Dad ~ "You know all about that stuff, right?"when I got married at the age of 26!)
Me ~ "Yeah, Dad."
Dad ~ "Good."
I think the issue boils down to how we best prepare our children for the world, whether we are better off trying to keep them safe from the scary world outside our doors, free from harm. Or if it is wise to try to instruct them in the ways of the world, to beware its temptations as they become aware of them.
I don't know the answer. I know I chose the latter. I think I chose correctly, but I don't know, and may not until I become a grandfather someday. (Hopefully, not soon, but also not too far off, either.)
Maybe in this day and age, Chastity is just Sonny and Cher's daughter.
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